Connemara gelding born in ~1995. Conny is Norah's first horse and the one who has taught her the most about psycology and communication. A sensitive pony with a mind of his own and always happy. Conny is retired since 2017 due to age and body issues.
Lusitanovalack född 2014, portugisisk import. Jaq är Norahs "nya" stjärna och den som var tänkt att fylla Connys stora skor. Skadades allvarligt 2018 men är i full gång sedan 2020.
P.R.E stallion born in 2008. Absalon is Joakim's horse, a charismatic and intelligent horse with a lot of humour. Keeps track of everything that happens here on the farm and wants to be involved with everything. Came to Joakim as a yearling and they share a special bond.
Shetlandsvalack född 2011, dansk import. Gårdens maskot som vandrar mellan hagarna precis som han vill. Ger ofta träningshästar ett varmt välkomnande och sällskap!
Lusitano gelding born in 2013. Aramis is a rescue horse from Portugal with a heavy background. Norah found him in 2017 when visiting Portugal to find a horse. He is an anxious soul with a heart of gold who just wants to please.
Lusitano gelding born in 2014. Jaq is Norah's "new" star and the one who was supposed to fill Conny's large shoes. Severely injured in 2018 and has since followed a tailored training path.
Shetty gelding born in 2011. The farm's mascot who walks between the paddocks exactly as he wants to. Valdemar often gives visiting horses a warm welcome and company, which is usually appreciated.
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